Package Thirty Detail

Package #30

8 Days / 7 Nights:

Ashgabat –Darvaza-Damla–-Nohur – Balkanabat–Yangykala-Gozli-Ata-Kov-Ata-Ashgabat – Dark Gorge-Ashgabat International Airport

Trip Details







The 1st day


270 km

Meet tourist at Ashgabat airport. Transfer to hotel accommodation. Hotel rest.

 Drive to Cas Crater- Darwaza 400 km-4/4.5 hours. On the way to see 2 more creators.

First one crater is deep, circular hole; a metal barrier surrounds this somewhat smaller crater. There is no fire here, though it too offers a strong smell of gas.

Second, one lies some 18km south of Darwaza, on the west side of the main road and just about visible from it.

Regular –Jeep

Breakfast – at the hotel.

Lunch – at the local restaurant.

Dinner – picnic style.

Morning accommodation at the hotel – Menzil-3* Ak Altin -4* or (depends on your choice).

Overnight at the tents or yurta.

The 2nd day


Drive to village Damla – 100km -2/3 hours’ drive. It is located in the midst of the arid sprawl of Turkmenistan’s vast Karakum desert; the tiny village of Damla is a little haven of traditional Turkmenistani life.

Regular –Jeep

Breakfast – picnic style.

Lunch –traditional style.

Dinner – traditional style.

Overnight at the tent.

The 3rd day


After breakfast at Damla, drive to see camel cattle and local shepherd. To taste fresh food cooked by shepherd for lunch.

Drive to Ashgabat city. Hotel Accommodation. Rest time. Overnight at the hotel.

Regular –Jeep

Breakfast – picnic style.

Lunch- at the quest house.

Dinner – at the local restaurant.

Overnight at the hotel – Menzil-3* Ak Altin -4* or (depends on your choice).

The 4th day

Ashgabat – Nokhur-Yangikala

At 06:00 drive to Nokhur (120km – 2 /3 hours). The village itself fills a small depression valley in the mountains of the Kopet Dag Range, and the houses were been built with local boulders cemented with mud. Apart from the main street through h the middle of the town, the streets are so narrow that they only just fit a car between the high stone retaining walls on each side. The Nohkuri people who populate this remote mountain village are quite different to other Turkmen tribes. They live in a handful of villages in the mountainous border area spanning Turkmenistan and Iran. Nokhur is the largest village with just a thousand or maybe two thousand people. Lunch. Continue our way to Yangikala (480km – 5/6 hours). The word expression” yangi kala” is translated from Turkmen as “fire fortresses”. Indeed, the sheer cliffs of white, yellow, ocher, purple and red colors, fancily carved by winds and rains, are very similar to the stone castles from a fantasy. The most beautiful canyons are during sunset, when everything is painted in a red-hot color.

Regular –Minibus

Breakfast – at the hotel.

Lunch- at the quest house.  Dinner – picnic style.

Overnight at tents.

The 5th day

Gozli-Ata – Kov-Ata

After breakfast at Yangikala, at 08:00 drive to Gozli Ata (520/530km – 7/8 hours). Reportedly, a respected Sufilived in the early part of the 14th century. His mausoleum is a brick building with twin whitedomes, standing in an old graveyard containing many nicely carved stone tombs. The twin-domed structure of the mausoleum is necessary to accommodate the length of the tomb: atriangular prism perhaps three ordinary graves long.

Continue to Kov-Ata – Underground Lake. The Turkmen name Kow-Ata means Father of caves. At first glance, this underground area appears like a magnificent auditorium: the overall length of the cave is 230 m, its height reaches 20 m, and its width is at some points 57 m. The bottom of the cave is covered with lumps of dissolved limestone (stalagmites), and its warm and gushing water is clear and emerald colored. The water has a constant temperature of 33-37°C. Drive to Ashgabat.

Breakfast – picnic style.

Lunch – on the way.

Dinner – at the local restaurant.

Overnight at the hotel – Menzil-3* Ak Altin -4* or (depends on your choice).

The 6th day

Ashgabat-Dark Gorge

Drive from Ashgabat city to Gokdepe, then continuer to 3rdBerlishik to Dark Gorge (171km / 2/3.5 hours).

Entrance to Gorge. Turn back to camp.

Breakfast – at the hotel.

Lunch – picnic style.

Dinner – picnic style.

Overnight in tents.

The 7th day

Dark Gorge–Ashgabat (171km / 23,5 hours).

Early morning view an ancient settlement of 15-16 centuries, Archman fortress, cave “Div-Govok” and stream.

Lunch, Back to Camp and to Ashgabat city. Dinner with folkshow performance (dances, sing songs and wedding ceremony in traditional style). Overnight at the hotel.

Regular –Minibus

Breakfast – picnic style.

Lunch – picnic style.

Dinner – at the local restaurant.

Overnight at the hotel – Menzil-3* Ak Altin -4* or (depends on your choice).

The 8th day


Night transfer to the Ashgabat International Airport to board a flight to next destination. End of the Program. 

Transfer – Minibus

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