Package Five Detail

Package #5

3 Days / 2 Nights:

International Airport of Ashgabat– Маry – Ashgabat -Dashoguz –  Kone- Urgench park- Kone-Urgench/ Hojoyli border

Trip Details







The 1st day


Meeting at the airport in Ashgabat (the night on the day of arrival included) transfer to hotel accommodation. Recreation. Lunch. This day will be devoted to sightseeing in the capital of Turkmenistan and visit the Museum of History, and then the group will travel to the village of Bagir to visit a Parthian fortress Nisa.

Regular – Bus

Lunch – at the local restaurant.

Dinner – at the local restaurant.

Overnight at the hotel – Menzil-3* or similar.

The 2nd day

Ashgabat-Mary-Historical Museum-Ancient Merv-Ashgabat

Early in the morning flight to Mary at 06:15/06:55. From May airport drive to the Museum of History. Excursion to an Ancient Merv(UNESCO World Heritage). Merv was located at the road crossing of the Great Silk Road and quickly became one of the largest and biggest cities of the ancient world and was one of the most important capitals of Islam along with Baghdad, Cairo and Damascus. Guided tour: Gyz Gala, Erk Gala, Soltan Gala, SoltanSanjar Mausoleum, IbnZeid Mausoleum. Evening flight to Ashgabat at 18:10/18:50.


Breakfast –at the hotel. Lunch – at the local restaurant.

Dinner – at the local restaurant.

Overnight at the hotel Menzil-3* or similar

The 3rd day

Ashgabat-Dashoguz-Kunya Urgench-Hojeyli

Early morning transfer to airport for a local flight to Dashoguz at 06:30/07:20. Drive from airport to an architectural monuments of Kunya Urgench, Khorezm capital X- XII centuries. During the tour visit the mausoleums of Najm al – Din al – Kubra KhanumTyurabek, Il-Arslan, Tekesh Ibn Hadzhibey, will visit the highest minaret in Central Asia KutlykTimur. After lunch drive to the Turkmen-Uzbek border Kone-Urgench/Hojeyli. End of the program.

Regular – Bus

Breakfast –at the hotel. Lunch – at the local restaurant.


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