Package Ten Detail

Package #10

3 Days / 2 Nights:

Border Howdan-Ashgabat-Darvaza-Kone-Urgench Historical park- Kone-Urgench / Hojeyli border

Trip Details







The 1st day

Bajigiran/Howdan border – Ashgabat

We will see independence period parks and monuments, such as the Monument and Park of Independence (looking like a white-marble “Eiffel Tower” standing in a beautiful park), a fountain-monument devoted to the 10th anniversary of independence (sculptural depiction of ten Akhal-Tekke horses placed on the top of a beautiful fountain) and impressive Ertoghrul Ghazi mosque and Museum of Art. Accommodation at the hotel. In the afternoon we will visit the National Museum of History and Ethnography and the Carpet Museum, where can explore the history of Central Asia’s carpet industry.  It has the largest collection of Turkmen carpets of any museum. It has a rich collection of Turkmen carpets from the medieval through to the 20th century, including over 1000 carpets from the 18th and 19th centuries. Aside from its extensive collection of antique carpets, it has many carpet articles, chuvals, khurjuns, torba etc. And the hand-woven carpet which is recognized as the largest carpet in the world by the Guinness World Records. Measure is 301m2.

Regular – Bus

Lunch – at the local restaurant.

Dinner – at the local restaurant.

Overnight at the hotel – Menzil-3* or similar.

The 2nd day

Ashgabat – Darvaza (Gas, water and clay crater)

At 09:00 visiting the ruins of Nisa dating back to the III centuryBC – III century AD.This historical site is located 18 km to west of Ashgabat. Continue with “Gypjak” Mosque and Turkmenistan’s first Presidents mausoleum.

In the afternoon a trip to Darvaza- Gas Crater, which is a huge flaming crater, located 270 km to the north of Ashgabat. Visiting one of the villages Bahardok or Erbentto observe the rural life of Turkmen people. Continue with moving to the Water, Clay and Gas Crater. In the evening enjoy the spectacular and fascinating view of the gas crater.

Regular-Minibus- Jeep

Breakfast –at the hotel. Lunch – at the local restaurant.

Dinner – picnic style.

Overnight at the hotel Merv-3* or similar

The 3rd day

Darvaza – Kone-Urgench park- Kone-urgench border

After early breakfast, drive to Kone-Urgench. Architectural monuments of Kone-Urgench, Capital of Khorezm in X-XII centuries; Mausoleum of Najm al-Din al-Kubra, Tyurabek Khanum, Il-Arslan, Tekesh Ibn Hadzhibey, the highest minaret in Central Asia KutlygTimur. After lunch transfer to Turkmen-Uzbek border Kone-Urgench/ Hojeyli border. Crossing the border at at 15:00-16:00 pm.

Regular-Minibus- Jeep

Breakfast –picnic style. Lunch – at the local restaurant.


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