Yangykala Canyon

The Yangykala Canyon, a windblown landscape of colorful canyons and strange formations that stretches some 15 miles across the desert to the Garabogazköl Basin.

Yangykala was once underwater, the floor of an ancient ocean that existed millions of years ago. Once that ocean had dried, it left behind a rocky landscape that was slowly eroded by wind and rain, cutting out cliffs and canyons whose walls are now ribbed like the carcasses of strange stranded sea creatures. And then there are the colors: pinks and oranges, reds and yellows, a spectrum of coral shades that give Yangykala Canyon a distinct look.

It’s sometimes referred to as the “The Grand Canyon of Central Asia,” but the two are very different. Yangykala had no Colorado River to carve its path, so the actual canyon is far less defined than the Grand Canyon. In many places it looks more like a Martian landscape, pockmarked and chaotic—a place where few humans come and where even the camels look almost lost.


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